
Additions by Berthold Klein an environmental eeenignr and a seeker of truth and facts.The sin of ignorance and ignoring God's laws of physics and atmospheric science.The sin of lying about an unproven Hypotheses that has never been proven -The greenhouse gas effect.God has given man all the resources we need to provide for the benefits of all of man-kind. Man has to learn by steps how to use them. Whether it is fossil fuels, hydro, wind, solar, nuclear, biomedical, agriculture,aquaculture, geothermal and others. It is a sin not to learn the strengths and limits of each and use all of them for the benefit of man-kind.It is a sin to force people to pay taxes or steal money from them for undocumented concepts that make a few people rich and leaves the rest of us in poverty.The sin of using circumstantial evidence instead of demanding creditable experiments to show that the greenhouse gas effect exists.The sin of rejecting documentation that the concepts of greenhouse gas effect violates Fundamental laws of physics when there is no creditable experiment showing that the concept exists . To pretend that after 150+ years since the greenhouse gas effect was Hypothesized there is no creditable experiments but we have developed radio,TV, nuclear energy , the internal combustion engine, space travel to the moon and the planets, etc. its a good guess that the greenhouse gas effect does not exist.Its a sin to ignore that the weather does not support the concept of AGW.It's a sin when it is shown that data has been Mannipulated to fantasize a concept to frighten people to support world domination by a corrupt group of people as the UN,IPCC, James Hansen,Michael Mann Steven Chu , George Soros, The Union of Corrupt Scientists , and many others. Science is not determined by Consensus ! We would be living on a flat earth. if it was.The sin of wasteful spending of trillions of dollars,EU, and all units of money to control a problem that does not exist. The money would be better spent to help and heal children, the ill and the hungry!These are just a few of the sins that relate to the Hoax of Mann -made global warming and the failure to fully study what the green movement present .
Additions by Be
rthold Klein an
environmental ee
enignr and a see
ker of truth and
facts.The sin of
ignorance and ig
noring God's la
ws of physics an
d atmospheric sc
ience.The sin of
lying about an u
nproven Hypothe
ses that has nev
er been proven
-The greenhouse
gas effect.God h
as given man all
the resources we
need to provide
for the benefits
of all of man-ki
nd. Man has to l
earn by steps ho
w to use them. W
hether it is fos
sil fuels, hydr
o, wind, solar,
nuclear, biomedi
cal, agriculture
,aquaculture, ge
othermal and oth
ers. It is a sin
not to learn the
strengths and li
mits of each and
use all of them
for the benefit
of man-kind.It i
s a sin to force
people to pay ta
xes or steal mon
ey from them for
undocumented con
cepts that make
a few people ric
h and leaves the
rest of us in po
verty.The sin of
using circumstan
tial evidence in
stead of demandi
ng creditable e
xperiments to sh
ow that the gre
enhouse gas effe
ct exists.The s
in of rejecting
documentation th
at the concepts
of greenhouse g
as effect viola
tes Fundamental
laws of physics
when there is n
o creditable exp
eriment showing
that the concept
exists . To pret
end that after 1
50+ years since
the greenhouse
gas effect was
there is no cre
ditable experime
nts but we have
developed radio,
TV, nuclear ener
gy , the interna
l combustion eng
ine, space trave
l to the moon an
d the planets, e
tc. its a good g
uess that the g
reenhouse gas ef
fect does not e
xist.Its a sin t
o ignore that th
e weather does n
ot support the c
oncept of AGW.It
's a sin when it
is shown that da
ta has been Mann
ipulated to fant
asize a concept
to frighten peop
le to support wo
rld domination b
y a corrupt grou
p of people as t
he UN,IPCC, Jame
s Hansen,Michael
Mann Steven Chu
, George Soros,
The Union of Cor
rupt Scientists
, and many other
s. Science is no
t determined by
Consensus ! We
would be living
on a flat earth
. if it was.The
sin of wasteful
spending of tril
lions of dollars
,EU, and all uni
ts of money to c
ontrol a problem
that does not ex
ist. The money
would be better
spent to help an
d heal children,
the ill and the
hungry!These are
just a few of th
e sins that rela
te to the Hoax
of Mann -made gl
obal warming an
d the failure to
fully study what
the green movem
ent present .